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Electronic Disclosures and Signatures

Buyer's Consent is Required: By enrolling, Buyer is agreeing to receive documents electronically including disclosures and notices Seller may need to provide Buyer, including, but not limited to: a record of the transactions which are the subject of the AMS 0% Interest Payment Plan, emails, and any electronic statements that may be issued that relate to the AMS 0% Interest Payment Plan Agreement or the transactions that are subject to that agreement.

System Requirements: To receive the applicable disclosures, the Installment Purchase Plan Agreement and/or any statements electronically Buyer will need:

  • A personal computer or other device which is capable of accessing the Internet.
  • An active Internet Service Provider.
  • An Internet Web Browser with capabilities to support a minimum 128-bit encryption. An "A-Class Browser Support Chart" can be found at [or whatever technical requirements are needed in a browser to interact with the Website]
  • The ability to download or print agreements, disclosures, and e-Statements.
  • Software which permits you to receive and access Portable Document Format (PDF) files, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader® (you will need one of the last three versions.) Adobe Acrobat is free software available at

System Requirements to Retain Disclosures: To retain disclosures and the Installment Purchase Plan Agreement for your records, Buyer's system must have the ability to either download to its hard disk drive or print PDF files.

Requesting Paper Copies of Disclosures: If, after consenting to receive applicable disclosures electronically Buyer would like paper copies of the disclosures or Installment Purchase Plan Agreement, Seller will send them to you upon written request sent to Seller using the information set forth below for contacting Seller. If Buyer would like to receive future disclosures or statements by paper instead of electronically; or if Buyer needs copies of these disclosures, contact Seller using the following information:

Updating Buyer's Personal Information: Buyer is responsible for keeping his or her e-mail address updated. Buyer should keep Seller informed of any changes in his or her telephone number, mailing address, or e-mail address by contacting Seller using one of the methods listed above.

Buyer's Consent to Electronic Records and Signatures: Buyer consents and agrees that his or her use of a keypad, mouse or other device to select an item, button, icon or similar act/action while using any electronic service Seller offers; or in accessing or making any transactions regarding any agreement, acknowledgement, consent, terms, disclosures or conditions constitutes Buyer's signature, acceptance and agreement as if actually signed by Buyer in writing. Further, Buyer agrees that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate Buyer's electronic signature; and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your signature or resulting contract between Buyer and Seller.

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