Item Reviews for: Focusrite ISA Two Dual Channel Microphone Preamp  -  FOC ISA2 LIST
Focusrite ISA Two Dual Channel Microphone Preamp
review title:

A super preamp

By: D Shaw      Submitted: 8/2/2021

Product Rating

1 person found this review helpful.
Product Rating Product Review I find the isa 2 is a premier preamp of the highest quality. It gives you the sound of a high end console.So if you’re looking to up grade your sound without mortgaging your house. You should definitely look into the ISA 2.
review title:

great mic pres

By: Lonzenator from pens, fl USA      Submitted: 3/11/2013

Product Rating

6 people found this review helpful.

Yes. I have only had it for 6 days though, but it looks and feels like it was built to be a tank. It fired right up and sounds. great.... Best features... sound of the pres, This sounds great, especially on the ISA 110 setting... plug and play... a monkey could probably get it sounding good, ok maybe not a monkey... It sounds good for me... limited number of knobs to turn and mess up the sound. To me... getting this set of pres, after using the ones on a nameless mixer, other pres by lesser name and cheaper companies... This thing blows away my Mackie, destroys my ART DPS II and is better sounding than my Focusrite Saffire 40 (and it sounds good). So far have used it paired with a Rhode NT-1, a pair of AKG c1000s, and an sm-57... each one sounded great for their specific purposes. the c1000s overheads for a drum kit, sm-57 for a 4x12 guitar cab (mesa), and nt-1 male rock vocal... IT let each of those shine... will eventually by the 828 just to get more... again, only had it 1 week. so cannot say yet, but based on the look,weight and feel, should be very solid.... Your general opinion of this product. The only thing I wish this unit would have added would have been a digital out option, but for the price and the sound... It is great... If you are recording vocals you will love the sound, guitar cabs, can't go wrong, overheads for drums, piano or anything else, you will like it. I have yet to try it on acoustic guitar, or violins, violas or such...