PreSonus Preamps
Enhance your recording experience with the Presonus line of incredible microphone preamps for gorgeous warmth and lush sonic colors.
- PreSonus BlueTube DP V2 Microphone PreampPresonus has improved on the classic unit Blue Tube DP with the Presonus BlueTube DP Version 2 Microphone Preamp. The solid-state path now feeds PreSonus’ top-of-the-line Class A XMAX mic preamplifier with 80 dB of...$254.99
6 Payments of $42.50
No Credit Check
- PreSonus Studio Channel Vacuum Tube Channel Strip Mic PreampStep up the quality of your recordings with the top notch PreSonus Studio Channel! This fully featured channel strip delivers a class A tube microphone/instrument preamplifier, a variable VCA compressor, and a 3...$359.99
8 Payments of $45.00
- PreSonus PD-70 Dynamic Cardioid Broadcast MicPreSonus knows a thing or two about capturing vocals for live and studio applications, and they put all that expertise into the incredible PD-70! Whether you’re starting your first podcast, telling your YouTube...$99.99
6 Payments of $16.67
No Credit Check