The MESA EL-84 / 6BQ5 is the little brother to the EL-34 and is the classic European-designed tube that lead the original British invasion. Our EL-84 offers tight and punchy bass, smooth and warm midrange, and an amazing chiming upper-mid and sparkling top end that is always inspiring to play! Brilliant focus with a frequency response that always brings your guitar to the front of the mix, this EL-84 is true to its classic roots.
MESA power tubes are among the highest quality available and selected for their exceptional full-range tonal quality, consistency and reliability. All MESA tubes offer unsurpassed consistency and reliability for ANY tube amplifier, and certainly MESA amplifiers!
Remember… our dedication is to create the world’s finest tube amplifiers. And to achieve that goal requires a deeper commitment to tube quality… because the reputation of our amplifiers depends on it.
Stock in: Mark 5:25, Mark Five: 35 - Also: 20/20, Blue Angel, Express 5:25(+); F-30, Maverick, Nomad 45, Reverb Rocket, Rocket 44, Rocket 440, TransAtlantic TA-15 & TA-30
About the Manufacturer Phone: 707-778-6565
Warranty: Limited Five (5) years for amplifiers and cabinets. Speakers
used within your MESA amplifier or cabinet are warranted for three (3) years, while all included light bulbs, vacuum tubes, batteries, cables,
and accessories are warranted for six (6) months; Limited One-Year Pedal, Signal Management Products and CabClone Warranty