Position your mixer where you need it the most. This tripod stand with adapter supports MG102C, MG82CX, Stagepas 400i and Stagepas 600i mixers.
About the Manufacturer Phone: 714-522-9000
Warranty: 7 Years on DSR, DXR & DXS Speakers; 3 Years on Power Amps, Speakers, YDP, CP, N100, PF & P Series Digital Pianos; 1 Year: on Digital Mixers, Studio Monitors, Analog Consoles, Powered Mixers, Multi-Track Recorders, Digital Effect Processors, Signal Processors, Synthesizers, Drum Machines, Sequencers, Tone Modules, Portable Keyboards, Guitars, Drum Shells & Hardware, Drum Shell Finish; 1 Year on Parts & 90 Days on Labor on Drum Pedals, Cymbal Stands, Rack Systems